Finding Forward

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Surviving and Thriving Post-Aneurism and Stroke: Guest Post from Christie Richardson Schreppel

Each person recovering from unexpected circumstances like stroke and aneurism face unique challenges. We strive to improve our abilities and skills. We work hard each moment of the day to move forward and create a better future for ourselves and those around us. An individual’s support system and community are an immeasurable help to facing a hard road ahead.

I have the honor of connecting with many fellow survivors and thrivers who share the same goal: lift up others. Below you’ll find a Q&A with Christie Richardson Schreppel, someone who is eager to spread encouragement and positivity.

1. Please introduce yourself! How do you define yourself?

My name is Christie Richardson Schreppel. On October 6, 2014 I faced my difficult life changer of an aneurysm rupturing. A few years later, I was dealt the difficult setback of a mini stroke. 

2. As an aneurysm and stroke survivor, how have you impressed or surprised yourself?

My most difficult setback was my memory being completely wiped out. I had to learn how to walk and talk again and basically restart my life! 

3. What key lesson have you gained from your recovery process that you wish you’d learned earlier in life?

Rehabilitation is key to healing overall.

4. What is one long-term goal of yours relating to your aneurysm and stroke recovery that you’re currently working on accomplishing?

My biggest long term goal is to practice as a nurse again! I have been able to keep my nursing license up to date by taking continuing education credits and passing tests.

5. What motivational advice would you like to share with someone who has just found themselves on the unexpected road of surviving a stroke/aneurysm?

I would definitely remind them that healing DOES HAPPEN, but it takes time and effort! I strongly recommend rehabilitation. I was placed in inpatient rehabilitation for 6 weeks, then outpatient rehabilitation for another 6 weeks three times a week. I even went too outpatient rehabilitation for another 6 weeks in a different state about a year later! I always say stay strong and positive and motivated and know that we have been saved for an awesome reason!

Christie’s comeback from two life-changing events shows how dedication, positivity, and continued efforts lead to worthwhile results. Christie, like many, had to work for recovery and rehabilitation progress, and she stayed positive and faithful throughout. 

There is power in sharing our stories, and I encourage you to do the same as Christie. Reach out to your support system or survivor community, connect with others who have gone through similar challenges as yourself, and spread encouragement. We are not alone in this. YOU are not alone. It’s up to us to harness our inner will within to overcome. Let’s find our way forward… together!